John and I had been planning to go the The SAICFF since July of last year so excitement and anticipation had been building for quite a while and where at the highest peek when we finally set out on our adventurous trip on Monday, January 5, 2009.
The first leg of our trip that was planned in driving straight through in hopefully 28 hours was soon to be squelched as the first day of our trip came to a close and we found ourselves behind time, behind semi's and heading straight into a nasty ice storm! I do not have any pictures from this time of our trip due to the fact that at this point I was starting to not feel so well and also was supposed to be trying to catch some winks so that I would be able to take my turn driving. That never took place though as we found ourselves weary eyed yet wide awake as we drove (at about half the speed we normally would have gone) through the rain and ice, stopping every so often at rest stops for those of us (which at one point was about all but 1 of us) who were suffering from a big dose of nervous sickness! Coming on somewhere around the 5 am range we all realized we could not take another mile of this agony and therefore pulled into a rest stop and tried to get some rest for an hour or so. That Tuesday morning found us all still not feeling so well, but trying to stay positive we made a quick stop for some breakfast and then got on our way continuing our travel through the ice glazed state of Arkansas.
Then finally! I started to see signs that we had finally reached the border of that long sought after state of Texas and we were heading into warmer air and sunny skies!
Texas country is beautiful! At least along where we were traveling and for these weary eyes. Our spirits were lifted and my stomach was starting to settle down enough that I took a turn driving for about 5 hours so John could get some rest. He took several of these images as we traveled through the beautiful country side.
Gorgeous! No more more ice...
Sunny and smiling! Oh, did I not mention that we were traveling with the Eddy's and two of the Bryson boys? Theresa joined John and I for most of the trip and helped make the miles seem not so long as we sang, laughed and admired the gorgeous Texas landscape before us!
Yes, I did take this picture. =) The other two were catching some winks and we came over this rise and laid out before me was this gorgeous picture (much better than what you see above) of this huge reservoir that we were going to be driving across! The setting sun make it even more beautiful!
Finally at around 11:30pm the end of the road came for me as John dropped me off at my host family's house in San Antonio. Even though it took us 34 hours instead of the hoped for 28 we were thankful for the blessings of safety and God's mercy on our travels.
Wednesday greeted us with blue skies and warming temperatures as John and I headed out on our day to visit friends and sight see before joining my host family back at their place for dinner.
Morning stop for coffee. I was so amazed and couldn't stop marveling at all the "living" plants that were everywhere. Yes, they do have a sort of autumn and some trees lose their leaves but others don't so it was weird to see flowers blooming and all the greenery everywhere! Michigan was heading farther and farther from my mind...especially when we stopped in Old Navy to buy some much needed flip flops that I had forgotten to bring! =)
Heading down to the Alamo.
In the middle of town.
We got there too late on Wednesday to be able to go inside or walk the gardens.
Our group in front of the beautiful memorial.
John and I.
The next day we came back to take the tour, see the gardens...
Kiss cactus....
...and take pictures. =)
Thursday was the opening day for the Festival so we headed over to the convention center to register and check out the program.
Dr. Voddie Baucham.
It was really neat to be able to see so many people we have heard or seen on the internet in person!
Mrs. Baucham and their youngest.
The Duggar family!
The vendor hall. Notice Pendragon's booth in the corner of the room. =)
Then the excitement began! Here is the crowds before the doors were opened for the beginning of the Opening Ceremonies.
Doug Phillips welcoming everyone to the 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival!
A sneak peek to their next day "concert"...The Von Trapp Children Singers!!!
George Sarris
Charlie Zahm with Doug Phillips narrating.
From beautiful hymns to courageous ballads...Charlie Zahm is a favorite among many!
The Von Trapps in their authentic dress.
Kirk Cameron. A great actor and the man who made Fireproof the great film that it is!
Steven Kendrick and Kirk talking about the making and behind the scenes of Fireproof.
Dean Jones.
A man with a powerful testimony and life devoted to Christ.
The Lifetime Achievement Jubilee Award presented to Dean Jones.
"I Wouldn't Trade This for an Oscar."
Doug Phillips, Dean Jones, two brothers (don't remember their names) and Chuck Bentley - the visionary behind Abraham and Isaac, The Widow and the Oil, and The Rich Man and Lazarus, all three World Premieres at the 2009 SAICFF.
Saturday morning found us sitting in the front of the big screen watching the showing of Pendragon! Afterwards Aaron, Chad, Nic and Marilyn went up front for an Q.&A. time.
We also watched The Widow's Might that day. A funny, cute and most uniquely - musical film!
"drum roll please"..... And now ladies and gentlemen...let the award ceremonies begin!
In the company of wonderful friends...waiting in anticipation for the awards to be presented!
The whole Duggar family...all 21 of them (including Joshua's wife Anna) got up on stage to present the Biblical Family award.
The Widow's Might won "Audiance choice"!
Fireproof won "Best Feature" award
"And now....the winner of the 2009 SAICFF Best of Festival is.................
Even though we were all very dissapointed that Pendragon- Sword of His Father did not receive any awards, we are very happy for all those who did win and above all, I am so grateful for this awesome opportunity I had to even be there and be a part of this great work in Christian filming! To God be all the glory!
Farwell from the Phillips family....until next time.
Check out Doug Phillips blog for more images from the Festival.