Friday, April 23, 2010

Our new enterprise.

Well, we have a new addition to our ever growing farm. 101 new additions to be exact;). About 2 weeks ago we received a boxful of peeping fluff balls. These fluff balls make up Josiah's new business. Meat Chicken farming. Right now the chicken nuggets are residing in the garage but soon will be banished to the outback.

At first they were adorable and darling.

Everyone wanted to come see them and hold them, and the little nuggets were quite obliging.

How things do change! We just returned from a 3 day trip (that story is in the works) and were quite surprised at how much they had grown.

They are actually getting ugly. Which is really a relief, I could never kill or eat a cute chicken;). I promise to keep you updated on our first attempt at raising our own meat. Oh.. and if anyone wants to come over 6-8 weeks from now, we would be more than happy to include you in our butchering process!!!!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Moving around!

I do apologize profusely for the lack of posts on this site. I have a innumerable amount of excuses that I could incite at this time, but since Dad's message this morning dealt with the foolishness of excuses, I think I will refrain and instead try to bring you up to date with the proverbial happenings of the Sauvé family. In accordance to Vicki's kind comment on the post about the passing of my Grandmother, I am working on a write up about her with lots of pictures of her life. This needless to say this has not been completed.

I will warn you now that this post will be of great extent with countless pictures. The subject: After Grandma's passing we were planning on moving Grandpa up here to live with us. In order for this to happen however, quite a bit of maneuvering and changes needed to take place.

First our beautiful wisteria purple sewing room had to be emptied out so it might become the boys room. The objective of it becoming the boys room, was so Mom and Dad could move into the boys old room down stairs, so Grandpa could occupy Mom and Dads room. Complicated I know.;) Now, Mom, Dad and Grace went down to Florida for the funeral in Sebring and to drive Grandpa's car up here. So, those of us remaining, Faith, Josiah and Yours truly, decided with Charity's hesitant approval;) to give the travelers a surprise upon there arrival home by rearranging everything during their absence. The catch to this desire is that we had only 4 days to complete our endeavor. So we began, in high speed.

After cleaning out the sewing room and clearing all the piles of multifarious fabrics off the shelves we began to remove the shelves from the room.

Mom and Dads room began to take on this appearance, as the sewing room became cleaner. The first day came to a close.

The next morning found us mixing paints as Josiah absolutely refused to reside for any length of time in a purple room! So we lugged all our miscellaneous paints from the basement and began trying different combination.


Thinking... thinking.

Finally the decision is made and the painting begins.

We completed the main walls and began to put little meticulous finishing touches on. Then came more "mind wrenching" decisions. What color to make the chair rail. To leave it stark white or color it a boyish blue.

Decision made, we all set to work. Yes I was painting also but I am not talented enough to multi task and take pictures of myself while diligently laboring;)

Faith serenaded us with the most interesting music to help us paint faster I guess. We did finish painting that night and the second day came to a close.

The next day we finished cleaning the room in preparation of the transferring of the boys furniture to the newly painted room. Doesn't it look perfectly lovely!?

Alright, I am not going to give you all the minute and gritty details of moving the boys beds from down stairs and fitting them into their new room. Briefly, it took disassembling, sawing, and stapling to fit this bed into its little nook. Seriously.

This bed frustrated us for a whole hour trying to get it out of Josiah's old room before we decided to take it apart move it upstairs and putting it back together. Brilliancy!

Saturday was our deadline day, and the exodus began from Mom and Dad's room to the new sewing room down stairs, which is at the back of Mom and Dad's new bedroom.

Such a nice little cozy sewing corner we created. We did get it all finished before the travelers arrived home, and with a little pushing and shoving everything found a place and fit just so. We are so happy that Grandpa is now able to be living with us and our rearranging has worked out fine. Many more things have been happening around here but you will have to wait, because like I told you I am quite busy. ~Chs