Saturday, April 30, 2005

The End and the Beginning

Finally! After a little more than a year of drivers training John Baptiste Sauvé has finally done it. Yesterday afternoon by successfully completing the driving skills test, I ended a 13 month saga of driving classes and hours, that has had its ups and downs. A year ago March, I started segment 1 of drivers training. Unlike some of my sisters I was quite eager to start driving and so it was both with excitement and apprehension that I entered my classes. I was a whiz in the class room and scored top in most all written tests. Yet in the words of my instructor, I had "some rough edges to work out in the actual driving." Unlike most kids in the class I had never been behind the wheel of anything, ever, and the first time out I mistook the sidewalk for the road. =) Thankfully I can say that I have progressed since then and have become quite comfortable behind the wheel by driving 2 hours up to the Lapeer area on Sundays. You don't get practice in parking while driving freeway though, so dad and I had to get creative to practice that for the test. Using my exercise weights with metal poles stuck in them and a cone on top, we made an interesting sight, simulating the parking section of the road test.

So the day finally came and at 1:15 yesterday, dad and I drove over to the testing sight. I was praying the whole time but with my eyes open since I was driving. The instructor was kind, though she continuously used the terms dear and honey with my name and as any of you who know me can tell, that didn't exactly ingratiate me to her. But any ways we got going and started off on the parking. God helped me and I came through without a single point off which was great because as I said this was supposed to be my weak spot. The on roads test went well also, despite my tendency to the disease "heavyfootitis" (DeL's can sympathize) and as I pulled into the parking lot I breathed and smiled for what felt like the first time as I heard the instructors "you passed". So that is the end, and yet also the beginning; the end of all the training and the beginning of new responsibilities that with God's help I will use properly. So, a little encouragement to you who start off your driving careers with a bang (literally); there is still hope. If I did it, then I am sure you can too.

May God bless, and I thank all you who were praying yesterday
John B. Sauvé

P.S. Now you need to start really watching your rear view mirrors for that big blue bus with that big foot boy (I mean young man) behind the wheel.

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