This has been a big year for John. He began his first business venture in the Spring with a lawn mowing service here in our subdivision (and a few beyond). He worked hard, learned a lot, and earned a lot too! His dedication and hard work earned him the admiration of many customers and some references to additional work as well. His brother Joshua and his Dad were also able to work with him and it became a mini family business.
Today, after many hours of study and several practice tests, he not only successfully passed his first ever CLEP test (the College Math Exam), but did fantastic with a 7o out of 80 points!! Way to go John! We are proud of him and thank God for this accomplishment. May the Lord grant him wisdom and strength to not only pass many more tests in the future, but to be a man after God's own heart and to continue live a life unashamedly for the glory of God!
Your proud & loving family!