Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Chickie Biddies are growing up!

Our Broody Hen's eggs hatched, releasing 5 adorable tiny chicks. She was so sweet with her chicks. They came running to her every call.

Meanwhile the poor 14 chicks which hatched from the incubator were completely motherless.

Soooo, we decided to see whether Grumpy, the Mother hen would accept the other chicks, and she did. Except....

for three little barred rock boys, who Grumpy decided she didn't like and kicked them out. The only reason we can think of, is that Grumpy thought she had too many chicks so she rejected the three boys because they had a white spot on their head.

Isn't she sweet with all her chicks? It is amazing when we let God do it His way, hens know how to take care of the chicks much better than us. Don't you think?


Monday, June 22, 2009

The milking maids.

Our good friends the Hayse have just recently acquired a Cow and her Calf. Which meant that we had the privilege to go down and help them milk her. Her name is Dixie and she has had some trouble getting used to the milking process. Which means until then we have to be very quick at getting the bucket out of the way of her quick kicking hoofs. It's a fun challenge.

Mrs. Hayse and Dixie.

Yours truly, the back up milk maid. Right now I am stripping off, thus the bucket held up high.

Happy Dixie after we were done milking.

Job, is Dixie's little Calf, named for his great patience and trials that he has had since he was dehorned when he was too old. It's been great being able to get fresh milk each day. We've been glad to help out our friends since we can't have a cow of our own.


The devastation.

As the water receded all the corn stalks from the field across the street and straw from the paths settled on the garden.

Oh look at this mess!!!!!!

And the clean up begins. Anybody want to come over and help? No, I'm serious, really!! Just give us a call and come right over:)


Water Volleyball anyone!!

After it had stopped pouring, the boys decided that since they were already completely soaked, they should go play some water volleyball!

Everyone ready? Alright lets go!

Dive Dewey dive!


Nice save!

Smack that ball!

Anybody wanna join?!


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Water, water everywhere...

...but not a drop to drink.
When it rains around here it pours, and because of the field across the street we get a little more than our share of water.

Now the water prevailed over the Sauve property.

We thought that the leftover of Hurricane Ike was bad, this storm was much worse.

Now if you can look at this picture, and not feel some pity for our poor garden you are heartless!
We had just finished planting the tomatoes and some other seeds, when the deluge occurred, causing the helpless little plant to be completely, entirely, submerged under water. But we will....

"Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding." Prov3:5

As the rain continued to pour down and eventually flood the road we found ourselves situated on an ever shrinking Island.

So we got our ever faithful Canoe out and started paddling around fixing different things.

Row, Row, Row your Canoe gently 'round the yard.

You sure had to duck to get under the fence.

Out in the back jungle.

We also had a small water fall where the debris had blocked up the fence.

The water has since then some what receded, but there is still a lot of damage done. Yet, we know that God is still in control, and that He will work everything together for our good and according to the purpose of His will.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


There is nothing much more refreshing than fresh sun warmed strawberries, straight from the garden.

Sweet, flavorful, firm, juicy, red. My adjectives ran out. Ahh!! Life just got a wee bit better;)


A God honoring wedding

On Saturday we were blessed to be able to attend the wedding of our good friend Alanna Johnson.

It was so nice to see a Godly wedding.

The groom waiting for his lovely bride!

Alanna's younger sister Bobbie Sue, one of the bridesmaids.

The brides adorable niece.

Here comes the Bride!!

Lighting the unity candle.

Mr. and Mrs. James and Alanna Soderna!!!! May God bless their years together as they serve Him.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hatchin Out!

21 days ago we borrowed an incubator and inserted 20 eggs, in the hope of increasing our flock. A week after they started incubating we candled them and found out that 4 were duds, and since then having been waiting in anticipation for the other 16 eggs to hatch.

Well on Saturday afternoon (while us girls were at a wedding, which I will tell you about later ;) the very first chick hatched.

Here are two bitty chickies that hatched out at the same time!

The first little chick after she dried out.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep little chickie.

Little Princess.

14 of the 16 eggs hatched and there is also a broody hen that is sitting on 6 eggs that will not hatch till Wednesday or Thursday.

What a sweet little buff against the blue shirt.

Robin is my favorite chick, isn't she adorable! It astounds me to think of that chick developing and growing inside of the little shell. Gods creations are amazing!

Goodbye everybody!! Keep tuned in, to here updates about us sweet little chicks.


Monday, June 15, 2009

A Myth is a female Moth...

A little over a month ago, Josiah and Christianna saw a large, long, brown cocoon attached to the underside of our wooden playset in our back yard. After examining it, I identified it as the cocoon of a Cecropia Moth. As the days got warmer and moved into June, we kept a close eye on it, and one morning I was delighted to find the newly emerged Cecropia on the boards below the cocoon.

Cecropia Moths are one of the largest of the Giant Silk Moths that can be found in North America. They have a wingspan of 5-6 inches across! Giant Silk Moths are amazing in that the adult moths do not have mouths and cannot eat. They only live for 6-8 days and during that time (hopefully) they will attract a mate, and the females will lay eggs. The Cecropia also has only one generation per year, so the eggs that hatch this summer will grow and make their cocoons in fall, then stay in them all winter before coming out next spring as adults!

I was happy to find that we had a female Cecropia, because then we could try to have her attract a male and collect some of her eggs to raise the caterpillars. Female Cecropia Moths have larger bodies and smaller antennae than males.

The second night after putting our Cecropia out in a wire cage at night, she attracted a lovely male. They stayed together all the next day, separating just before dark.

Here you can see the male's larger antennae.

After releasing the male, I placed the female Cecropia in a paper bag for the night, and by morning she had laid nearly 200 eggs on the sides and bottom of the bag! I released her the following night to finish laying eggs in the wild.

Now we are waiting for the eggs to hatch, and then our adventure of raising the caterpillars will begin. Stay tuned for further updates!

An added bonus last week was being able to see a male Luna Moth who had landed on our neighbors' porch screen.

The Giant Silk Moths are another example of our Creator's awesome power and design!
