Thursday, May 08, 2014

The Sounds of Music

 Last week, in the midst of everything else, we were able to spend one relaxing evening listening to some calming strains of music.
 Earlier this year, Faith joined the Lapeer County Concert Choir, and Friday saw us attending their performance, "All Creation Sings".

It was a lovely time, as the choir masterfully sang through pieces like the magnificent Handel's "Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sounds" and Haydn's melodious "The Heavens are Telling".

Their selections also included some entertaining and amusing moments, for instance the trio of short songs which made up the "Animal Crackers" and the poem Jabberwocky creatively put to music.

Some of my favorite songs were the more moving and thoughtful airs. "Sure on this Shining Night" was so beautiful, and the pieces from the Broadway Secret Garden, were absolutely marvelous.  They also sang "Shenandoah" and "Down to the River to Pray" plus a few others, including a selection of solos, one of which Faith sang!

It was so nice to be able to sit down and listen to some first class music for an evening. I would definitely recommend anyone attending the Lapeer County Concert Choirs events in the future.
