Monday, December 06, 2010

Play day for puppies!

The other day we had some friends over to play, that is canine friends to play with Baby=)
Let me introduce them.

This is Sukie an adorable 2 and 1/2 year old shy but rambunctious terrier mix.

Now meet Quincy, an everything but shy, outgoing, in your face, run circles around you 1 1/2 year old spaniel mix. Mr. Reiche was babysitting them for a mutual friend of ours and brought them over one morning for a fun time.

At first Baby wasn't so sure about these little pups on her property, but she soon forgot her haughtiness and was racing after them like a puppy herself! =)

The goats on the other hand did not change their mind; they absolutely hated the extra dogs on their property.

Sukie and Quincey had boundless energy they ran and ran and ran for at least a hour, and then we took them for a walk=)!!!

Baby had a great time and was completely whipped for the rest of the day. Hope to see you some other day Sukie and Quincy!!
