On Monday, the week of my birthday, we went on the adventures already documented. Tuesday Charity took Grace and I to see a movie. Wednesday was my truly Birthday but we were rather busy so we didn't do too much then, so on Thursday we had my special dinner, cake and party!
Mother has always been creative making our cakes, but I think she topped all this year with my 3-D Camera cake. It was a three layered Carrot Cake with cream cheese filling. Delicious!
In between dinner and dessert, we had presents! Faith gave me a set of adorable laughing Duckling pot holders, :)
and I was thrilled to receive a Jemima Puddle Duck music box that played Clair-De-Lune.
^Taking "pictures" with my Camera Cake.^
I also received a candy dish, whose polka dots look just like pretzel M n' Ms! :)
I am very grateful for the 20 years the LORD has seen fit to give me, and pray that in the following year He will use me more and more for His glory.
I am also thankful for my wonderful family, and dear friends who were so generous this year for my Birthday.
In fact, as direct result of a gift from one of my dear friends, I am now the proud possessor of 7 Fawn and White Indian Runner ducks!
And as an indirect result of said gift, Faith is the owner of 4 Khaki Campbell ducks. But you will have to wait till later to hear about that! :)