Saturday, March 03, 2007

Update...or no Update?

... that is the question. Or actually the questions most recently have been, "What caused all this" and "when can Charity go home?" Yes, in one sense we do not want to be hasty and have to take her right back in again, but even right now though the doctors are still puzzled as to the cause of all that has been going on in Charity's body, some assumption have been made and by God's grace alone she is heading on a road of very slow and careful recovery! Through the many tests that she has gone through over the past month we have been told that she does not have many different things, but we still have not truly found out what did cause the many problems she has been struggling with except that the bacteria in her blood stream most likely caused the high fever and could have been the cause for her weakened heart. Even though the medical team kind of gave up on her legs, we (Mom and Grace mostly and a dear friend) have been working on them, massaging and trying to push the fluids back up into her system to give her heart a break and they are noticably a lot thinner than two weeks ago!
As we wait the Lord's leading and timing as to when Charity will be back home again, we continue to ask you to lift her up with us in prayer, to our Heavenly Father for strength and healing for this long road ahead of us.
We can not thank enough, all the dear people out there, our family and friends, and even people who have never met Charity, who have been praying for her! Though we know the Lord has been using many people to glorify Himself through this time in hearing the prayer of the saints, we would kind of like to know how many have been keeping up with these prayer posts and to how far or to where across the country prayers are being lifted on Charity's behalf. If all you blog watchers out there could post a comment and just let us know if you have been praying and where you are from we would greatly appreciate it!
To those of you who have commented and let us know you are praying, we thank you so very much for all your encouraging words and loving support!

...We continue to wait and prayer...

May God be glorified!

I trust in God's unfailing love
forever and ever.
I will praise you forever for what you have done;
in your name I will hope, for your name is good.
I will praise you in the presence of your saints.

Psalm 52:8-9