Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Winter in Riverview...and Beyond

Winter has finally come! Though we were getting a little worried back at the start of January and thinking that we would never be able to go sledding or enjoy snow - due to the fact that we had none! - we have been quickly reminded that God designed this season to last for several months and to not worry when we don't get much snow in January 'cause we will get it in February and who knows maybe in April too - like we did two years ago! Also we have again been amazed at the stark difference there is in the weather - even in Michigan- when you travel 80 miles North from were we are and find that from our home to our Lapeer friends can sometimes fit the ratio between Florida and Canada! (ok, with maybe a little stretching of the imaginations, but really it does seem like that some times!) Anyways you have to wonder when our friends get two feet of snow and we only get a dusting!

Below are some pictures I have wanted to share but have not had the opportunity to post before so here is a glimpse of the different ways our world has been affected by this "wonderful" Winter! Enjoy! -Grace

What is this picture of!?! This pictures shows two things... first it shows the weather conditions we experienced a few Sundays ago at our Northern friends house, and second -if you cant tell what those dark things are- it shows John, Joshua, Shawn Eddy and Tim Wagner standing out on the Eddy's pond looking at the frozen Muskrat trapped under the ice! Check it out on their family blog
for detailed pictures!

"God walls the sea with sand. God clears the air with storms. God warms the earth with snow....He exalts us to heaven by the stumbling-block of the cross."
Christopher Wordsworth

First we had an ice storm...

...and though this picture doesn't do it justice, a shimmering glaze covered everything.


We had freezing cold temperatures, way below what this photo shows!

...And last but not least our living room window was graced with this unbelievably beautiful work of art- a touch from our Makers hand!

From whose womb comes the ice?
And the frost of heaven, who gives it birth?

The waters harden like stone,
And the surface of the deep is frozen.

(The LORD reveals His Omnipotence to Job)

May the Name of our God be praised forever and ever!