Below are images that I was able to capture the other day of some of our regular visitors to our back(and front) yard. Enjoy!!
Can you see him? Though they usually are not very shy, on this particular day Mr. Wren did not want his photograph taken and all I could get of him was this image of him peeking around the feeder.
Throughout all the years we have been at this house we have been blessed on several occasions by being able to catch a glimpse of some rare and striking visitors that are attracted to our backyard feeders. This particular one, though not all together rare has chosen to show himself only a few times a year and at this time, about a week ago has seemed to like our "winter wonderland" and has stopped by a couple time since. I am disappointed though, that I have not been able to get a good picture of him yet so the above image is all there is to show of the exquisitely handsome Yellow Shafted Flicker.
No, he is not screaming. Instead this beautiful specimen of God's creation, a Sharp-Shinned Hawk is actually just finishing up a big yawn while sitting in our front cherry tree the other day.
God's amazing creativeness in the designs of all His creation proclaim one thing - His Glory!
To see more amazing (and much better captured then mine) images of birds, visit where the photographs of a local photographer recently relocated from Sweden are displayed. We heard about this gifted photographer from our newspaper after he had the very special opportunity to capture on film a truly rare visitor to Michigan's Southeastern soil - a Snowy Owl!