Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Seeking to Glorify God Through Christ Centered, Family Integrated Worship!
Who are these handsome couples?
They are the founding members (parents) of the Berean Family Church of Lapeer!
May, 2006
More pictures to come of all family members.
Monday, May 29, 2006
The Church's One Foundation
The church's one foundation
is Jesus Christ her Lord;
she is His new creation
by water and the Word.
From heaven He came and sought her
to be His holy bride;
with His own blood He bought her,
and for her life He died.
Elect from every nation,
yet one o'er all the earth;
her charter of salvation,
one Lord, one faith, one birth;
one holy name she blesses,
partakes one holy food,
and to one hope she presses,
with every grace endued.
Though with a scornful wonder
we see her sore oppressed,
by schisms rent asunder,
by heresies distressed,
yet saints their watch are keeping;
their cry goes up, "How long?"
And soon the night of weeping
shall be the morn of song.
Mid toil and tribulation,
and tumult of her war,
she waits the consummation
of peace forevermore;
till, with the vision glorious,
her longing eyes are blest,
and the great church victorious
shall be the church at rest.
Yet she on earth hath union
with God the Three in One,
and mystic sweet communion
with those whose rest is won.
O happy ones and holy!
Lord, give us grace that we
like them, the meek and lowly,
on high may dwell with thee.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
My Mother
And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
My mother.
When sleep forsook my open eye,
Who was it sung sweet lullaby
And rocked me that I should not cry?
My mother.
Who sat and watched my infant head
When sleeping in my cradle bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed?
My mother.
When pain and sickness made me cry,
Who gazed upon my heavy eye
And wept, for fear that I should die?
My mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the part to make it well?
My mother.
Who taught my infant lips to pray,
To love God's holy word and day,
And walk in wisdom's pleasant way?
My mother.
And can I ever cease to be
Affectionate and kind to thee
Who wast so very kind to me,-
My mother
Oh no, the thought I cannot bear;
And if God please my life to spare
I hope I shall reward thy care,
My mother.
When thou art feeble, old and gray,
My healthy arm shall be thy stay,
And I will soothe thy pains away,
My mother
Ans when I see thee hang thy head,
'Twill be my turn to watch thy bed,
And tears of sweet affection shed,-
My mother.
--Jane Taylor
Happy Mothers Day!
After our Sunday worship service and fellowship, we headed over to Port Huron to visit our Great Aunt Jackie and meet for the first time her daughter Peggy. Though the time was short, we greatly enjoyed talking with them and hearing all about California, where Peggy has lived and the stories of how God has guided and protected her and her husband when faced with the dangers of living in the mountains and surounded with wildlife.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Evening on the Lake
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Granny, 113 Years Old!!!
Three years ago, my family had the pleasure meeting one of those gray haired elderly people, at a senior home in Florida where my Grandparents held a Bible sing along. This certain lady was affectionately called Granny.
Granny was, at that time 110!! She was a very sweet lady who loved the Lord and came whenever she was able, to the services my grandparents held there. Despite her age, she still used a walker then and insisted on getting out of her chair herself, saying that "she was a big girl.."
Through the years we have thought and prayed for her, and every time her Birthday came around we would send an e-mail to Grandpa and Grandma, asking them to say Happy Birthday to her for us. Just last year, Granny had been moved to the Oaks, a nursing home, being unable to care for herself. This year just after her 113th birthday in April, our grandparents sent us an article that had been in their newspaper about her. It was very interesting, and informed us that at one time no one had known how old she really was, until her granddaughter Marie Daniels found a fishing license of hers that recorded her age.
Granny (Roxene Riggs) is a Christian and has a love of reading, especially the Bible and other Christian literature and magazines. Mrs. Daniels said that "she (Granny) has always been a very caring person… very humble, and always appreciative of anything anyone does for her." Some of Granny's favorite sayings are, "keep on keeping on", "I want to be ready when the Lord calls", and "Do what you can when you can."
As you can see Granny is of a persevering character, and my whole family has been blessed by her.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The LORD's Day Blessings
Following are some pictures highlighting our blessed Lord's Day!