Friday, July 17, 2015

Here on the Farm: A Unique take on Gardening

One fun, yet daunting thing about the first year at a new place is getting/having to create a garden from scratch.
This means a lot of planning, digging, chopping and back breaking work. 

But the result is fulfilling! To be honest, Faith and Mom did most (ok allish) of the work, but it was fun to help a little, and watch it all come together.

Even before all the beds were done, Faith was planting seeds in the first few that were done. Little Radishes, and Lettuces.

Even some little Carrots. The soil of our new garden is exactly opposite of our last one. It's sandy, well drained.. and oh SO rocky! Carrots like moist soil while they're germinating, so to facilitate this we placed a board over where we planted the Carrot seeds to keep them moist.

Planting Spinach seeds.

All the little beans coming up!!! (Awwww!)

{Transplanting Peppers}

Beans are one of the most dramatic plants to come up from seed, and I was waiting to capture one right at the most difficult stage, because Faith had found this quote that needed an illustration..
"They tried to bury us: They did not know we were seeds"

This year, the pole beans get to try out a pretty awesome Cattle Panel arbor trellis! Faith was just full of good ideas.

The garden about a month ago.. There's a lot more green and a LOT less dirt showing now!

Little baby tomatoes (now they are huge) in their nice cages and cozy hay bedding. We only did cages on a few tomatoes, the rest of them we are weaving through cattle panels, which I do not have  a photo of yet.

Fava Beans had wispy twig supports which looked quite lovely with the green plants leaning against them.

Faith also did a darling Chevron pattern on the lettuce! Which was quite stunning when the lettuce was at it's peak.

Since this picture was taken, the peas have climbed to the top of the fence, flowered, fruited, been harvested and then have been pulled up, the fence removed and their bed re-used. You see how much can happen when you're not paying attention!!? I started this post nearly a month ago now, and then I got busy, caught up in life, and now it's old outdated news!! But that's alright, you go enjoy it anyway, and I will try to be more prompt and up to date in the future! (no promises though!!)
