Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Why did the Turtle Cross the Road?

Yesterday we had a most exciting time when our neighbor spotted a turtle walking across the street in front of her house! We of course all ran out there to see what was going on and couldn't figure out where this size of turtle (about 6 to 8 inches) had come from. After some inspection and discussion, and as we headed back to our house to think of what to do, Faith and I suddenly remembered that one of the neighbors down the street did in fact have a pet turtle! So off we all went (that is 6 of us kids) to knock on the front door and present the little creature to its very startled owner. I don't think we will ever know how she got out of her crate, off a deck, across the yard and into the street, but who says that you don't need a little excitement in life sometimes?!!! Posted by Picasa

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