Before we went though, Christianna, Madison, Halley and Faith went back in the woods to look at the flowers that we have seen back there recently. They came back with treasures!
Besides the lovely bouquets of wild geranium and violets Faith also brought over this unique plant that has many different names. Jack in the Pulpit, Wild Arum or Lord and Ladies. We know it best by Jack in the Pulpit.
Then we headed out for a trip through the town!
Again we were all thrilled by the beauty and delicateness of this antique shop!
Though its rather hard to point out, the book/album on the left with the white tag hanging down the front was quite the treasure find! It was a family photo album dated in 1880 and it still had almost all the images in it! Almost all of them were tin types too!
Inspecting and admiring the beautiful dresses.
Three friends - Christianna, Madison and Halley
Ancient opera glasses...
...and new stationary and organizer books!
The most special picture of the day was when I was able to capture the three friends in the mirror on the lovely toiletry stand!
After spending what seemed like two hours in Alora's we then started to head home but taking a different route we ended up finding another cute store, a more modern gift shop, which had some really neat things to offer as it was set up with different dealers booths here and there.
Jellies, sauces, china tea sets, candles, crocheted gifts and so much more!
Yet again the day's outing was most enjoyable as it was a blessing to be able to spend time with our dear friends!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17
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