Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The big snow storm!

Finally Josiah got the snow storm he had been waiting all winter for!

We woke up on Wednesday morning to find the world snuggled deep into a clean white blanket. So pretty and simply dazzling.

Align CenterSoft and droopy, piling in white lumps on top of everything.

So we all headed out to clear the driveway, of its blanket.

Since Josh is gone, Josiah is the new tractor/plow driver.

He seems to enjoy his job, and makes good work of it too.

Dad, Mom and I helped out with shovels.

Later in the afternoon Josiah went outside to take pictures of Gods glorious white world.

Baby joined him.;)

Daddy loves to sculpture the snow, in the past he has created, a chicken, a whale, a lion and a chinchilla. This year it was a monstrous alligator. The details are beautiful up close.

Snow has to be one of Gods most amazing creations. Think about it; each drift of snow is made up by millions of snowflakes, each snowflakes by tiny crystals, and each crystals by water droplets. His works are glorious!!!!!!!


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