Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A bird named Kevin.

A couple weeks ago we received a frantic call from some friends of ours. They have quite a few Blue Jays nesting in their trees and one baby had fallen out the night before and was hopping around yelling. After waiting to see if the parents would hang around and take care of their prodigal chick, Faith and I drove over to see how it was and maybe take it home.

Well needless to say, baby bird ended up traveling home with us and was dubbed Kevin, by the Roehrer children after the bird in the Movie "UP".

Ahhh, beautiful warm sun.

Kevin is a doll she/he\it, has gotten rather independent now but still loves to come inside where it is cool in the hot afternoon and cuddle down on a finger for an afternoon nap. In fact I have the little creature perched on my left hand's fingers right now as I slowly peck with my right:-) Chs


Corby said...

Awww. So cute. :) Wish I would have had a chance to meet Kevin. Who knows, maybe he'll still be around when I get back.

Corby said...
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Daniel Bryson said...'s usually the bird that does the pecking. :)