Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Beauty in the Garden.

God has blessed our garden over and abundantly this year, and we are more than thankful for the produce we have, are, and will be able to bring in. But more than just produce God has seen fit to bless us with little bright surprises of beauty splashed about our garden.
Last year Faith had planted two artichokes plants and had covered them diligently for winter. Unfortunately this spring we did not see either of the artichokes return to life and had given them up for dead. Yet a little later on in the season one of the plants surprised us and began to grow. Now it has put forth the most glowing flower I have ever seen. I think it could glow in the dark!

Another volunteer was a morning glory plant that is positive it is a tomato plant=)

Oh well, it is pretty anyways.

Our pumpkins also have begun displaying color, as they ripen into the beautiful trademark orange.

Two vegetables that we have never had much success with did very very well this year. The cabbages are huge and healthy, despite the many cabbage white moth floating around the garden,

and our onion patch actually have grown to a decent size.

We are ever thankful for Gods grace, for though we may plant and weed and water...
God provides the increase.


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