Saturday, July 02, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Josh Sauve!

As I am sure you have noticed, I am quite a bit behind on blog posts. So you will have to excuse the extraordinarily large amount of pictures, and the lack of words.
As most of you know last Saturday was a big event in the Sauve household - Our second wedding!!! Joshua Paul Sauve was united with Theresa Eddy on the afternoon of June 25th. Following are some photographs from the memorable occasion.

Grace and her Photographer partner Dani documented the event. They took pictures of the handsome grooms men (and the bridesmaids separately) before the ceremony.

Meanwhile the girls got ready in the nursery.

Josh and Theresa after finishing their salt covenant.

Along with being the photographer, Grace also sang while Josh and Theresa signed the marriage covenant.

Josh and Theresa Sauve!

Leaving to go take pictures.

The Ushers back at the reception.

Leaving for the Honeymoon!! (They have now returned safely, and aside from voracious porcupines that chewed on the deck of their cottage, they had a delightful time.)
May God bless you both!!!
(Thanks go to Timothy Bryson and Josiah for most of the pictures of the event)


Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said...



Antoinette Petersen said...

How exciting!!! Congratulate them for our family will you dear? :)

Thanks for sharing such an exciting occasion!

Miss Antoinette

Sauve Family Blog said...

Hannah~ Thank you very much!

Antoinette~ I will definitely do that! Thank you:)