Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday Snack

 Charity and Mom have been trying out a new diet/way of eating.  It is called Trim Healthy Mama and was created by the Campbell sisters (Above Rubies magazine) and is really for everyone not just "mama's" :)  

Well one of the perks to this diet, is that Charity likes to experiment with their recipes especially the desserts.... which is just fine with us! :)

Particularly when they look like this!  Meet the Dark Chocolate, Strawberry cheescake/jello pie.  Doesn't look much like a health food does it? :)  But this beautiful and delicious dessert is grain free, and sugar free, and very good for you. 

Oh, and it's even better when frozen....


1 comment:

Marge said...

That looks scrumptious!