Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Poetry - the language of God

The God whom we worship has revealed Himself to us in various ways. A good portion of the Holy Scriptures is written in the form of Hebraic poetry. Their poetry is somewhat different from what we are used to in our English poetry. It is characterized by thought arrangement rather than by word arrangement or rhyme. Nevertheless, it can be beautiful and memorable in its expression. Its main characteristic is parallelism where the content of one line is repeated, contrasted, or advanced by the content of the next line. It would make a good family study.

As we begin our family BLOG, I thought it would be good to share our love for poetry, the Word of God and it's poetical content, and our personal poems inspired by Him who was and is and is to come! To begin with, let me share Isaac Watts beautiful poetic rendition of Psalm 29:

God's Glory and Power Displayed

Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame,
Give to the Lord renown and power,
Ascribe due honours to His Name,
And His eternal might adore.

The Lord proclaims His power aloud
Over the ocean and the land;
His voice divides the wat'ry cloud,
And lightnings blaze at His command.

He speaks, and tempest, hail, and wind,
Lay the wide forest bare around;
The fearful hart, and frightful hind
Leap at the terror of the sound.

To Lebanon He turns His voice,
And lo, the stately cedars break;
The mountains tremble at the noise,
The valleys roar, the deserts quake.

The Lord sits sovereign on the flood,
The Maker reigns for ever King;
But makes His saints His blest abode,
Where we His awesome glories sing.

In gentler language there the Lord
The counsels of His grace imparts;
Amidst the raging storm His Word
Speaks peace and courage to our hearts.

May the Lord bless you as you meditate on this poetic version of His Word. ~Paul

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