Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Birthday Faith!!

Happy Birthday Dear Faith!
You are such a blessing, asset and huge part of our family. God has blessed you with so many gifts and talents and it is an inspiration to see you use them for Him. Your ability to see beauty and to envision huge plans and projects, as well as your amazing speed at accomplishing things you put your mind to are incredible. Sewing, Gardening, Canning, Painting, and Cooking are just a few of the outer signs of your inside character.

May this year be a blessing from God to you, as the past years have been and as you are to us!!
With love ~Chs


Antoinette Petersen said...

Happy Birthday Faith! *hugs*

Hope your special day was a blessed one! :)

Your sister in Christ,

Miss Antoinette

Sauve Family Blog said...

Thank you, Antoinette! I did have a lovely day!!

~ Faith

Antoinette Petersen said...


Miss Antoinette